Basically, all elements and CSS of Krowden can be changed (manipulated) by uploading your own JS & CSS:
JS: here you can put al jquery changes > good for creating/updating/hiding elements.
CSS: here you can put all css changes > good for changing color, size, etc.
For ease of use, we share an ongoing collection of:
Examples of customizations via Javascript (JS) used by other organizers
The pages that are used mostly are:
> [eventname] (main overview)
> [eventname] (overview of schedule)
> [eventname] (for hosts to accept/decline meetings)
> [eventname] (list of attendees)
Examples of events that use customizations:
- (extreme)
- (simple)
- (medium)
- (medium)
- (extreme)
How to work on customizations?
You can inspect the elements / css on the pages and write down in your css file changes such as changing the button color via CSS in the Style.css:
"a.btn-color1, button.btn-color1 {background-color: red}"
You can for example add a button to a certain page as we did for your events on /moderate-sessions via JS in the Scripts.js and test this first in your console:
$('<a href="/attendees" class="btn btn-md btn-color1 m-t-sm"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i> Delegates List</a>').css('margin-left','10px').insertAfter('[data-print-init]');
$('div.pull-right').prepend('<a href="/attendees" class="btn btn-md btn-color3 m-b-sm m-t-sm makefull"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i> Delegates List</a>');