LiveWebinar manual

a summary of the most important features of the livewebinar tool and the recommended use

Updated over a week ago
  • Test your audio, video and your ability to share your screen before the session starts. Make sure you have still time to adjust your settings or setup.

  • Start your video/audio by clicking on this icon:

  • Be aware – even if you do not see the attendees (see participant list), if they have joined the session, they will be able to hear you!

  • Start your session with a short explanation to the attendees, such as making them aware of the possibilities to ask questions (when/how). Or that if they refresh the page, they will leave the session and will have to sign in again.

  • Don’t refresh the page. You will be leaving the meeting and you will have to fill in your name again to re-enter the session.

  • Sessions will automatically stop at the end time. Make sure you are done with the session before this happens!

Room navigation bar

You will only use this navigation bar at the start of your session. To make sure you have the right settings. After the session started, I recommend ignoring this navigation bar till your done with your session and must, therefore, click on stop session.

I’ll only describe the icons you might use.

(5) Layout - You can choose a layout of the room. Keep in mind that if you are changing the layout, presenters and attendees will see these changes. So, agree with your cohosts on a layout for the whole session.

(6) Presentation - This is the room mode. I believe it will automatically start with the option presentation. Presenters can choose between the following options:

  • Discussion – All attendees can talk. For larger sessions, up to 25 attendees can talk at the same time. Recommendation: it is an option during the workshop or lectures with smaller groups. However, make sure that attendees mute themselves when they are not speaking. It is the most interactive option available.

  • Presentation – Only presenters are allowed to talk. Attendees listen. Recommendation: If you have a session wherein only the hosts and cohosts will be speaking, and you prefer attendees to ask question only via the chat.

  • Q&A – Only presenters can talk. You can give or attendees can ask for permission to speak. Recommendation: For the lectures and panel sessions I believe the Q&A mode is the best option available.

In discussion room mode attendees can click on sharing their video and audio and will automatically start sharing. In the Q&A room mode attendees can request to share their video/audio, presenters must approve or decline these requests.

Whichever room mode you choose, please advise the attendees on what to expect and how/when to ask questions.

(7) Webinar - Allows you to choose the interface template. For bigger webinars/lectures the recommended use is ‘webinar interface template’. For the small workshops you can choose the ‘meeting interface template’. Choose the option you prefer, but keep in mind the ‘meeting interface template’ looks different. If you click on the meeting interface and you would like to return to the webinar interface, then click on the three dots next to ‘start’, click on meeting and choose webinar.

(9) Recording - You can click here to record the session and also choose the layout of the recording. If you record the session, mention this to the attendees before starting the recording.

(10) Start session - By clicking here you will start the session for the attendees. During the session, never click on stop and then ‘stop and log-out participants’ because everyone will be thrown out pf the session. So, only when the session is truly ending, you can click on this option.

(12) Language - Allows you to change your language. Attendees can also choose their preferred language and the see automatic messages in this language.

Managing your attendees

Your attendees will not be visible! So, check the participant list to know who joined your session. Be aware – even if you do not see the attendees, they will be able to hear you!

Below you will see an example of what this looks like:

By clicking on information (i) you can change the role of the attendee. I would however suggest never making them a presenter, because they will be able to have the same rights as you. They can even stop the entire session.

By clicking on the blue video of the attendee, you can request them to share their video and audio.

If the camera and or microphone is green, this participant is sharing their video/audio. Click on the green video or microphone to mute this participant and stop the video sharing.

In discussion room mode attendees can click on sharing their video and audio and will automatically start sharing. In the Q&A room mode attendees can request to share their video/audio, presenters have to approve or decline these requests.

Important icons during the session

Video related icons

You will find the icons on the upper right corner of your big screen or next to the big screen at the upper right block. Meaning of the icons from left to right:

Arrows - Collapse video. You can switch video(s) from left (to the big screen) to the right (collapsed) and back again.

View - Change the view of the videos: hangout view (featuring 1 presenter) or big grid view (featuring all the presenters)

Settings - if you have trouble with audio/video you can change your settings here. You can also add a profile picture.

Room feature’s menu

By clicking on the plus icon, you can choose different features, such as the whiteboard (see pencil icon) or a YouTube video (see next icon). The icon that is white is the one that is visible to the attendees. To return to the video, click on the camera on the left.

Here you find a list of all the features. The most relevant features for our sessions will be:

Share screen – To share a PowerPoint presentation or a browser. Test this feature in advance, does your current setup with your screens work and do you need to adjust your privacy settings so that you can share your browser.

Call to action – Can be a very helpful, for example when announcing a break:

Breakout rooms – When you are working with breakout rooms, be aware of the following two things:

  1. As a presenter, when you switch between room, you will have to manually start your video again by clicking on the blue camera.

  2. Caution attendees that they will automatically be returned to the main room. Make sure they do not click on the ‘leave room’ option because then they will leave the entire session.

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