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Create automatically sessions via the session form
Create automatically sessions via the session form

Do you have a list of sponsors/potential session hosts but not their session and availability info? You can set up the session form

Updated over a week ago
  1. Set up your event Structure with the tabs > See article 

Example:  For this event, they want to collect attendees availability (& topics) to host a 1on1 table. The 1on1's are taking place on Day 2 (the parent tab) and at different time slots (subtabs of parent tabs Day 2) 

    2. Go to Sessions >  click Create Session form settings

   3. The form settings pop up:

Part 1 - General Settings in blue:  

Show/hide session title box. Show: means they can fill out their topic/session title themselves | Hide: company name will be used for session title.
Show/ hide the description title. Show - they can fill out a short description of the session. Hide - no session description needed.

Automation group: None, only change if advised differently.

Part 2 - Sessions to be created in purple:

Select only the part where you want to collect info (checkbox Day 2 & checkbox subgroups)

This part of the form should be Only visible for people with certain Tags.

Subgroups info
Select the date, the time settings, duration, amount of seats (for 1on1 meetings, it would be: total meetings in timeslot + 1 seat for hosts), and the location.

The toggles:
Set time manually: only interesting if you have lots of variations in time settings

Set sessions to active: Switch on, if you'd like the sessions to be live after the attendee/session hosts confirmed the form (Recommended)

Include session alias: for exhibitors if you also uploaded their booth numbers.

Always finish the form with Save :)

Then send an email > Host for invite to people who should receive the session form.

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