Important! Please keep in mind that it requires time for people to fill in the form. Some may be on vacation, sick leave or just simply skipped your email by mistake. Start collecting sessions early - around 2-3 months before the event!
How to configure your session form & collect sessions from your hosts
Example: Collecting availability & topic details for a 1-on-1 table. The 1-on-1's are taking place on Day 2 and at different time slots.
1. Go to Sessions ย > click Create Session form settings
2. Set the session form options such as if you would like to hide the title / description field. If you hide the title, it will use the attendee their company name.
** Leave automation group to "none"
4. Checkbox the time slots you wish to have available for hosts
5. Fill in time slot details such as date, start time, duration, nr of seats and maximum nr of tables (sessions) that can be created in that session group / timeslot.
6. Repeat for all time slots
7. Send email > "Host for invite" to participants whom should receive the session form.
8. This is how they will see it - if the form is created correctly (based on the example mentioned previously)
Recommended when:ย
Want to make sure you hosts will stay engaged. Letting them fill in all the details leaves a sense of responsibility and you can be 99% sure they will stay engaged and show up.
No need to work with excel anymore. Instead of working with rows and columns to setup session details, leave it up to Krowden and session hosts.
Much less work! Forget about all the hours you've spent by creating the excel file and contacting host for information.ย