[] = First and last name
[user.firstName] = First name
Event information:
[] = Event name
[event.starts.US] = Event start time
[event.timezone] = Timezone that the event is set in
[event.location] = Event location
Final schedule possibilities:
[finalSchedule.US] = Final schedule US format
[finalScheduleActual.US] = Upcoming Schedule US format (for a multi-day event)
[finalSchedule] = Final schedule European format
[finalScheduleActual] = Upcoming schedule European format (for a multi-day event)
Target user:
[] = Show the participant's first and last name
[] = Show the participant company
[targetUser.jobtitle] = Show the participant job title
[] = Show the participant's email address
Session information:
[request.type] = Show request type depending on session type
[session.title] = Session title
[session.starts.US] = session start time US format
[session.starts] = session start time European format
[] = Generates video conference link of the upcoming session.
[event.email_signature] = Signature of your emails
[sessionGuestsList] = Guests in the sessions that participants attend
[] = Shows up a full list of sessions taking place next week
Articles that can be related: